Chapman University law professor John East stands left as former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani speaks during a rally in support of President Donald Trump called the Save America Rally in Washington on January 6, 2021. man. Eighteen defendants were indicted along with President Trump. This month’s racketeering indictment in Fulton County includes more than a half-dozen attorneys, and Eastman and Giuliani’s statements are an early hint at at least one of the defenses they may be trying to raise. It becomes. He worked on Trump’s behalf to undo the election results. (AP Photo/Jacqueline Martin, File)
We are seeking a Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy at the University of Colorado!
do you want a job? Please apply here.
If the new selection is incorrect, this should probably be the last time. Sure, for the most part they were good and decent people, but have you ever heard of his first ten? Trick question.
You’ve probably heard about the ninth person to hold the job. Because he was the second man to play a leading role in potentially ruining the United States of America, the greatest self-government experiment in human history.
That should be your first question in the interview. Would you be willing to overthrow the U.S. government to prevent the second peaceful transition of power in history? Is that too tough an interview question? What do you think: Do you believe in pluralism or is violence sometimes necessary to achieve political goals?
I’ll let you decide on these and many other questions: whether this position is an asset or a liability to the University of Colorado, taxpayers and Coloradans, higher education, the Rocky Mountain West, and America.
How about a quick interview question: Would you say John Eastman, the ninth visiting scholar in conservative thought and policy, represents the University of Colorado, the state of Colorado, and the longest lasting constitutional republic in the history of the world? or not? Please elaborate on your answer.
Enough about him. I don’t know the guy, just judging from his notes and speeches. Look at his first memo and his second memo and his speech on January 6th. But only do so after reading the U.S. Constitution, especially the Second Article and the Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Then decide whether to apply. Pays $185,000 but requires a Ph.D. I’m thinking of applying (just kidding). If you apply, make sure you’re not the 11th and last one. Colorado and America need you to succeed.
Here’s what we should insist on:
Conservatives believe in people. The world needs it now, more than ever, from a shining lighthouse on a hill to show the world that freedom works better than nanny states and that capitalism is the key to a healthy economy.
Conservatives believe in rugged individualism, personal responsibility, capitalism, free markets, and freedom. Yes, many of you think these are slang words for hate. This is a good sign that you are suitable for a Visiting Fellowship in Liberal Thought and Policy.
Conservatives love people. Are you going to stipulate that much? If not, you are not eligible.
Conservatives help individuals and families live their lives the way they want. Conservatives believe in keeping taxes and government at the lowest practical level possible. That’s right, it’s individuals, then families, then neighborhoods, then communities, cities, states, counties, regions, states, interstate compacts, nations, then international treaties, and then some of the global cooperation. means only limited means.
Conservatives support the codified rule of law and the Constitution. I don’t know what the law is, so please read it, whether you can or not. We don’t like made-up common law, judge-made laws, or fluid feelings about the law. We like blackletter law. If you don’t like the laws as written, change them.
Conservatives do not believe in violence to achieve political ends. period. That’s why we don’t like protests, boycotts, marches, threats, stone-throwing, riots, arson, etc. We believe in supporting the police and military. Yes, stop seriously messing with the people you are called to serve.
Conservatives believe in deregulation at all levels. Do you want to encourage people to contribute positively to themselves, their families, and their communities? Encourage them with friendly and helpful policies, not taxes and regulations.
Conservatives believe in private property and the ability to live your life the way you want. Really, please leave us alone. it’s not yours. Stop trying to take it away, tax it, regulate it, judge it. Please leave us alone.
Conservatives believe in the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all human beings are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and happiness. “…” We believe that these rights are enshrined in the Constitution and its amendments.
At this point, some non-conservatives are boiling over and want to write letters to the editor and send me nasty grams: Here’s my email and here’s the LTE link.
But for others, seeing conservative principles explained in detail may help them find common ground.
Please think carefully about this additional assumption. Currently, there are likely to be more conservative and conservative voters in Colorado who are unaffiliated and unaffiliated voters than Republicans. In fact, given the way trends are moving, I predict there will be more conservatives and conservatives in the Democratic Party than there will be in the Republican Party.
All labels and policies have changed before our eyes. Have you been paying attention?
Unless we wish to follow the path of the dominant political structures throughout human history, a new wave of conservative thought and policy will guide the conversation for all of us in the next year or two and beyond. It depends on the visiting scholar. Or whatever we call it, an authoritarian form of government.
We need more patriots and organizers around a set of principles, platforms, and ideas that create the most opportunity for the most people. are you ready?
It’s up to you as a citizen to participate in more meaningful ways. Our fellow countrymen are counting on us.
John Brackney is a former elected official, military officer, lifelong Coloradan, and business leader. He hosts weekly discussions about contemporary public policy with U.S. history professor Stephen Tootle on his Facebook Live and posts to Youtube and Spotify. Please contact
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